If you'd like to use a phone or tablet to scan paper documents, the OfficeLens app will scan then and save them to your OneDrive.
First, download the OfficeLens app from your phone or table's app store.
After it installs, open the app
While you're waiting, put the paper that you want to scan on top of a surface that has a dark color (it works better when there's more contrast between your paper and whatever it's sitting on). Make sure your room lighting is decent.
Back to the app - You may be asked to give the app permission to use your camera or other features. Give it permission.
Once the app opens, you'll see something that looks like a camera screen. Towards the bottom, you'll see some words that you can swipe left and right. Choose "document" from these choices.
Point the camera at the document that you want to scan. Try to make your phone/tablet parallel with the document you're scanning. You'll see an orange box surround your paper. When the box surrounds the page reasonably accurately, push the circular button at the bottom to snap a photo.
On the next screen, you can adjust the border around the page if it wasn't accurate enough. Once you are happy with it, touch "confirm"
Now you'll see a preview of your document. Notice that mine looks a little dark. If you touch the "filters" button at the bottom, you can make it look more clear.
I've found that the black and white filter works best for printed text, but choose whichever looks best on your document. Touch the middle of the screen or the back button when you've selected your filter.
You can add more pages by pressing the add button at the bottom. If everything looks good, touch "done"
Sending the file directly to OneDrive makes it easy to retrieve your "scanned" document from anywhere. Press OneDrive. When asked to sign in, use your school email address and password.
If you need help setting up OneDrive on your computer, you'll find help here
Once you see this screen, you can close it
On your Mac, open OneDrive
Look for a folder called "Office Lens"
You'll find your file in there