If your computer is going to be erased for any reason, you may want to save your bookmarks so you can re-load them again. Here's how:
Go to the File menu in Safari and choose "Export Bookmarks..."
Choose the place where you'd like to save your bookmarks, give your file a name, and click save. Be sure to back up this file or sync it to OneDrive
Click on the "Bookmarks" menu and choose "Show All Bookmarks"
In the library window that opens, click on the button with 2 arrows and choose "Backup..."
Choose the place where you'd like to save your bookmarks, give your file a name, and click save. Be sure to back up this file or sync it to OneDrive
Click on the "Bookmarks" menu and choose "Bookmarks Manager"
Click on the button with 3 dots on the right side of the screen:
Choose "Export bookmarks" from that menu:
Choose the place where you'd like to save your bookmarks, give your file a name, and click save. Be sure to back up this file or sync it to OneDrive