The Zoom plugin for Outlook allows you to schedule your Zoom meetings through the Outlook application. Follow these instructions to use it:
1. Click on your Outlook calendar and click the "Meeting" button
2. Click the "Add a Zoom Meeting" button
3. Sign in to your Zoom account and choose the "Keep me signed in" checkbox
4. Enter the details of your meeting. If you'd like to set the meeting to reoccur, click on the "Recurrence" button
5. In the recurrence window, you can set a meeting to occur every week, every 2 weeks, or whichever incremental amount of days you'd like.
6. Enter the email addresses of the people you'd like to invite by email (you can just send it to yourself if you're going to copy and paste the link into Edmodo or Canvas). You can enter more text into the body of the email if you'd like, or you can just copy the information from the body to paste elsewhere. Click "Send" to create the event.
7. After creating this first event, Outlook may ask you to restart.
8. This meeting will appear on your Outlook calendar, as well as the Outlook calendar of anyone you included in the "To" field of your meeting. It will also appear on your calendar on any recurring days you specified. Attendees can even enter the meeting directly from the calendar event.
9. It will also appear in the Apple calendar if you or any of your attendees use it
Using the plugin with Outlook in your browser:
1. Go to
2. Click on the calendar icon at the bottom of the page and then click the "New Event" button at the top
3. Click on the 3 dots pictured below
4. Choose Zoom from the menu and then "add a new meeting"
5. When prompted, sign in with your Zoom credentials
6. Click Allow
7. Make sure you're still creating a Zoom meeting by going back to the 3 dots and choosing Zoom meeting
8. Just add the details of your meeting, invite your students, and click Save