In order to prevent misuse of the Zoom app in the classroom, we recommend changing the following settings in your account:
- Disable “Join Before Host” so people can’t cause trouble before you arrive.
- Enabling “Co-Host” so you can assign others to help moderate.
- Disable “File Transfer” so there’s no digital virus sharing.
- Disable “Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin” so booted attendees can’t slip back in.
- Also, change screen sharing to "Host Only"
- You can add a password if you schedule your meetings
- You can play a sound that plays when people leave or join the chat
Here's where you find the settings:
These settings will prevent "ZoomBombing." ZoomBombing happens when you're holding a class on Zoom and an unwelcome visitor also joins the class and shares inappropriate content. Usually the content is on the person's screen and they screen share with the class, but sometimes they use the video camera or chat feature to show the inappropriate content.