With the use of technology, including the Internet, Intranet, hardware, and software, LEAH Schools is expanding learning access for students, staff, parents and the entire LEAH Schools community. With this opportunity comes the responsibility for appropriate use.
Electronic Network Use Guidelines
The operation of technology in the association relies heavily on the proper conduct of the users. Every user has the responsibility to respect and protect the right of every user in our community. LEAH Schools users are expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner, by the missions and purposes of the networks they use on the Internet and with the laws of Texas and the United States.
School computer systems are for use by authorized individuals only. Any unauthorized access to these systems is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. Use of any other network or computing resources must be consistent with the rules appropriate to that network.
All network users are expected to use moral and ethical guidelines in making appropriate decisions regarding network use. Use of the LEAH Schools network is not a right, but a privilege and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of that privilege, disciplinary action, and prosecution. Before participation, a potential network user will receive information about the proper use and sign a user agreement. Administrators will decide what constitutes inappropriate use and their decision is final. Violations will be dealt with by each campus Student Code of Conduct policy or employee handbook code of conduct, or local, state or federal law.
This unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to: (SEE ALSO, Student and Technology Handbooks)
• Using the network for any illegal activity
• Transmitting material in violation of any federal, state, or local law or Association policy
• Violating software copyright or other contracts
• Using Association technology for financial or commercial or personal gain
• Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance
• Defacing Computer property with any sticker(s)
• Vandalizing hardware
• Vandalizing the data of another user
• Wastefully using finite resources
• Unauthorized use of Association resources, including (i.e.,. Digital camera, projector, etc.) and printers for reasons other than job-related duties (LEAH SCHOOLS business).
• Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
• Invading the privacy of individuals
• Sharing your username and password
• Using someone else’s username and password
• Placing of unlawful information on a system
• Using for political lobbying
• Intentionally accessing pornographic, inappropriate or unauthorized material either directly or by proxy
• Intentionally bypassing the network systems and policies or using non-LEAH Schools proxies
• Intentionally transmitting viruses or making any changes that may result in the loss of recipients' work or systems
• Chain letters or any use that would cause congestion of the networks or otherwise interfere with the work of others
• Installing software onto computers without appropriate approval
• Personal use of electronic media that violates the Student or Technology Handbooks.
Warranties – LEAH Schools and joint providers of the network make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services provided. LEAH Schools will not be responsible for any damages suffered while using the system. These include, but are not limited to, loss of data, delays, non-deliveries, service interruptions caused by the system, or service interruptions caused by errors or omissions of the user. The Association expressly disclaims responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through Internet connections.
Security - Security is a high priority due to the number of users. Computer security cannot be made perfect, and it is likely that a determined user could access network resources for inappropriate purposes or that an inquisitive user could encounter unacceptable material. Identified security problems should be reported to a system administrator or appropriate supervisor immediately and not shared with other users. Attempts to log on as another user may result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk will be denied access.
Vandalism - Vandalism is any deliberate attempt to harm or destroy data or property of another user or LEAH Schools, the Internet/Intranet, or other networks. Vandalism includes the creation of or the uploading of computer viruses to the Internet/Intranet or host site and destruction of hardware. Vandalism will result in cancellation of user privileges.
Harassment – Harassment is targeting another person, group or organization to cause distress, embarrassment, injury, unwanted attention or another substantial discomfort. Personal attacks or other actions to threaten, intimidate or embarrass an individual, group or organization are prohibited. Users of the Association Network are expected to respect the rights of others to have freedom from harassment or intimidation.
Installing Software - Use of computer software is governed by copyright laws and network configurations. Care must be taken to avoid copyright violations and disruptions of the system related to incompatible or corrupted software; therefore, installation of any program or application onto any computer with access to the Association electronic network must be approved by the Technology department.
Monitoring - The information networks are "public places, " and user actions are visible to others on the network. LEAH Schools has the right to monitor network use to ensure that the system continues to function properly for all of its users. Anyone using electronic systems expressly consents to such monitoring. Monthly reports of Internet use may be shared with campus administrators. Prosecution and termination of user privileges will occur without warning.
1:1 Device Program
The Association may provide an electronic device, such as an iPad or Macbook, for grade levels participating in a one to one program to enhance the educational environment of our students. Access is given as a privilege, not a right, and may be limited or denied by each school. Each school’s administration, faculty, and staff reserve the right to review and remove any student’s files and data records used on the school technology system, which violates the Terms and Conditions below.
Terms and Conditions you agree to as a Student
1. I understand that...
Device use that disrupts the educational environment is not permitted.
Anything I do on a LEAH Schools device, or on the LEAH Schools network is not private and can be monitored by LEAH Schools faculty and staff.
2. I will...
Abide by all rules and regulations of the system as changed or added from time to time by the administration (including the Student & Technology Handbooks)
Address all concerns regarding the use of technology first to the supervising teacher and then to the Schools’ administration.
3. I assume responsibility for...
Any damages to school equipment while I am using equipment, including paying for repairs. For fees, please refer to the Technology Handbook.
Any consequences that arise from my use of technology, including my cell phone, while at school.
My actions while online. This means that I will be polite to others and use appropriate language.
Consequences for violations
Network Safety Policy
It shall be the responsibility of all LEAH Schools staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet by this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.
Use of the Internet and other telecommunication activities must be in support of education and research that is consistent with the educational goals, objectives, and policies of the Lutheran Education Association of Houston.
All network users are expected to use moral and ethical guidelines in making appropriate decisions regarding Internet use. Use of the Internet is not a right, but a privilege and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of that privilege. Before participation, a student will receive information about the proper use of the Internet and sign a user agreement.
In the classroom, student access to and use of the Internet will be under teacher direction and monitored as any other classroom activity; however, it is impossible to control all materials on a global network and users may encounter inappropriate information. Even with filtering the association cannot prevent the possibility that some users may access material that is not consistent with the educational mission, goals, and policies of the Association.
Each Association computer with Internet access shall have a filtering device or software that blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or to any material deemed harmful to minors as defined by CIPA and as determined by the Executive Director or designee.
With access to computers and people all over the world, there may be some material or individual communications, which are not suitable for school-age children. LEAH Schools views information gathered from the Internet in the same manner as other reference materials identified by the Schools. Specifically, the Association supports resources that will enhance the learning environment with directed guidance from the faculty and staff.
Publishing - Students may have the opportunity to publish electronic work. Any information about LEAH Schools students or activities, even hosted on outside servers, should follow LEAH Schools web posting policies. The district respects the rights of parents to restrict their children from publishing on the Internet and will secure parental permission for the current school year. Parents will be required to sign a form if they choose to deny having student work, pictures, and student’s name appear on the Internet/Intranet.
Distance Learning – Students may have the opportunity to participate in distance education activities including virtual field trip connections with entities such as zoos, museums, universities, and government agencies. Classes may also participate in point-to-point connections with other classrooms around the association and the world or multipoint conferences connecting many classrooms. In a distance learning environment, the teacher and the students’ voice, physical presence and participation in classroom activities may or may not be recorded.
Security - Security is a high priority due to the number of users. Computer security cannot be made perfect, and it is likely that a determined user could access network resources for inappropriate purposes or that an inquisitive user could encounter unacceptable material. Identified security problems should be reported to a system administrator or appropriate supervisor immediately and not shared with other users. Attempts to log on as another user may result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk will be denied access to the system.
LEAH Schools believes that the benefits to educators and students from access to electronic networks and the Internet far exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, however, parent(s), and guardian(s) of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their child or ware should follow. To that end, LEAH Schools supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to permit a child to a participate in Internet access.