You will want to set up OneDrive before your first day of school and save all of your files here.
If you save your files to OneDrive, you will be able to access those files on different computers which is very important if your computer breaks or you need a loaner. You will also not have to worry about backing up your files when we erase your computer over the summer.
1. Click on your Launchpad and find the OneDrive icon and click to open OneDrive
Note: if you get an error about a failed installation when you try to open OneDrive, open your Self Service app, go to the "scripts" section and click "Install Rosetta 2". OneDrive should open after that is complete.
2. Enter your school email address (and enter the password for it on the next screen)
3. You can allow OneDrive notifications
4. Click through the following screens:
5. Click "Open OneDrive Folder"
6. This will take you to your OneDrive folder where you can set up more folders to organize your work. If you are a returning student, you may see files from previous years that you saved.
Notice that you now have a shortcut to OneDrive under "Locations" in the sidebar
7. You can also get back to your OneDrive folder by clicking on the cloud icon in your menu bar (top of the screen) and choosing "Open Folder"
Want to learn more? Check out these links:
Seeing different versions of a file you have saved to OneDrive
If you'd rather have video instructions, this is a walk-through of a previous version of OneDrive where the setup is similar: